• Shirley Chisholm

Shirley Chisholm

Regular price $2,500.00USD

Painting by Shabazz Larkin - Acrylic On Stretched Canvas | 24x36 | 2019

Shirley Chisholm - This vibrant acrylic painting on stretched canvas, displays a captivating pointillist masterpiece featuring the iconic image of Shirley Chisholm. This artwork celebrates her historic achievements as the first black woman to run for president, a trailblazing congresswoman who defied conventions. The dynamic use of pointillism infuses the piece with energy, reflecting the dynamism of her legacy. This painting is not merely a work of art but a symbol of resilience, diversity, and breaking barriers.

If you’d like to schedule a time to view this work contact museumofpresence@gmail.com or send a text to 615-488-3664.